
Appendix I

About this report

This integrated annual report is drafted in accordance with the guidelines set out in the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC)’s framework for the preparation of integrated reports and in line with the GRI standards framework.

This report includes the updated non-financial information reporting statement and the annual CSR report, and has been subject to an independent external review. The independent assurance report, which includes the objectives and scope of the external review, as well as the procedures used and their conclusions, are attached as an appendix.

This document forms part of the FY2022 consolidated Management Report of Compañía de Distribución Integral Logista Holdings S.A. and its subsidiary companies. It is subject to the same criteria for approval, presentation and publication as the Management Report. By drafting this report, Logista complies with the provisions of Articles 262 of the Spanish Companies Act and Article 49 of the Spanish Code of Commerce, as amended by Act 11 of 28 December 2018 on non-financial information and diversity.

The report’s quantitative data correspond to the year 2022 financial year – the period from 1 October 2021 to 30 September 2022. Figures are rounded, except percentages and certain remuneration data.

The qualitative information included in the report explains the historical performance and the performance expected by the Company from analysis of the current context. It does not make a commitment to attaining those objectives, since they are subject to risks and uncertainties.

The scope of this report encompasses all the operations carried out by 100% of Logista’s subsidiaries included in the consolidation scope.

PIn addition, according to the analysis completed and as required by Law 11 of 28 December 2018, Logista companies which have a legal obligation to present a non-financial reporting statement in accordance with Law 11 of 28 December 2018, and the new wording of Article 262.5 of the Spanish Code of Commerce, are exempt from issuing a non-financial reporting statement as this information is included in the 2022 Integrated Annual Report, except for Logista Libros S.L. which will issue its own non-financial reporting statement given that it is equity-accounted by Logista.

For further information on the 2022 financial year, Logista also publishes the following reports, which are also available on our website.

Annual Accounts

Annual Corporate Governance Report

Annual Report on Board Member Remuneration


During the 2022 financial year, Logista has reviewed the aspects identified as the most material aspects during the 2021 financial year, carrying out a materiality analysis on them once again in order to include any new aspects considered material and/ or any that have emerged throughout the course of 2022, such as the macroeconomic context’s potential impact on the Company’s results due to inflationary pressures.

Both internal and external sources have been considered in order to update the aspects requiring assessment, as have the opinions and concerns expressed by the Company’s stakeholders, primarily shareholders and investors.

Materiality analysis

For the 2022 financial year, Logista has applied the same double materiality analysis that it applied the previous year. It directly contacted its external stakeholders (analysts, investors, clients, suppliers and CSR agents) to hear their view on Logista’s impact from an environmental, social and corporate governance standpoint; and it also consulted its internal stakeholders – its employees – in a bid to assess how these factors respectively affect the company in the short, medium and long term.

In order to broaden the scope of this analysis, Logista has increased the list of contacts for its various stakeholders, reaching out to a total of over 900 contacts to complete the analysis.

The conclusions drawn from this analysis indicate that client satisfaction and financial performance , are the most material aspects overall. For external stakeholders, the most material aspect is client satisfaction while employees consider financial performance to be the most relevant.

Material aspects analysed


Minimising the environmental impact of our operations

Environmental risk management

Adapting to regulations aimed at combatting climate change


Client satisfaction

Health, safety and well-being

Respect for Human Rights

Social impact

Attracting and retaining talented professionals

Corporate governance

Ethics and anti-corruption

Composition of the Board of Directors and Board Member Remuneration

Governance policies

Operations and financial

Financial performance



Risk management

Sustainable supply chain management

Macroeconomic and geopolitical climate

Integration of acquisitions

Supply chain management

Materiality matrix

This icon is used throughout the report to indicate the aspects considered to be most material overall.

Participation of stakeholders and communication channels

Logista encourages a continued, open and transparent dialogue with all of its stakeholders and society as a whole.

As such, it maintains two-way channels of communication and dialogue with all stakeholders in order to take account of both their financial and their non-financial (environmental, social and corporate governance related matters) needs and expectations.

To ensure dialogue is open and ongoing, Logista has established specific communication channels tailored to the characteristics of each stakeholder, although it also has common communication channels for all of them, for example the Company’s corporate website ( and the company reports it publishes each year.

Information is mostly shared or published through the following channels:

Spanish Securities Markets Commission (CNMV)

Corporate website

Other means of communication, for example, via the email address used by analysts and investors (

Logista’s investor relations department and corporate communications management team

Appendix II

Logista composition

Compañía de Distribución Integral Logista Holdings, S.A.

• Compañía de Distribución Integral Logista S.A.U. (100%)

- Logista Strator, S.L.U. (100%)

• Logista Pharma, S.A.U. (100%)

- Be to Be Pharma, S.L.U (100%)

• Logista Pharma Canarias, S.A.U (100%)

• Dronas 2020, S.L.U. (100%)

• Logista-Dis, S.A.U. (100%)

• Logista Libros, S.L. (50%)

• La Mancha 2000, S.A.U. (100%)

• Logesta Gestión de Transporte, S.A.U. (100%)

- Logesta Italia, SRL (100%)

- Logesta France,SARL (50%)

- Logesta Deutschland Gmbh (100%)

- Logesta Lusa, Lda. (51%)

- Logesta Polska, sp. z o.o. (51%)

• Compañía de Distribución Integral de Publicaciones Logista, S.L.U. (100%)

- Logista Regional de Publicaciones, S.A.U. (100%)

- Distribuidora Valenciana de Ediciones, S.A. (50%)

- Distribuidora de Publicaciones del Sur, S.L. (50%)

- Distribuidora de Aragón, S.L. (5%)

- Sociedad Anónima Distribuidora de Ediciones (70%)

- Publicaciones y Libros, S.A.U. (100%)

- Distribución de Publicaciones Siglo XXI Guadalajara, S.L. (80%)

• Logista Payments, S.L.U. (100%)

• Logista France Holding S.A. (100%)

- Logista Promotion et Transport SAS (100%)

- Logesta France, SARL (50%)

• Logista France SAS (100%)

- Societé Allumetiére Francaise SAS (100%)

• Logista Italia, S.p.A. (100%)

- Terzia, S.p.A. (100%)

• CDIL Companhia de Distribuiçao Integral Logista Portugal, S.A. (100%)

- Midsid Sociedad Portuguesa de Distribuiçâo, S.A. (100%)

- LTTP - Logista Transportes Transitários e Pharma, Unipessoal, Lda. (100%)

- Logesta Lusa, Lda. (49%)

• Logesta Polska sp. z o.o (49%)

• Compañía de Distribución Integral Logista Polska, sp. z o.o (100%)

• Logista Transport Europe B.V. (100%)

- Speedlink Worldwide Express BV (70%)

- 24 Hours BV (70%)

- German-Ex BV (70%)

Appendix III


The EU Taxonomy Regulation is part of the European Commission’s action plan (EU Green Deal), which aims to redirect capital flows to achieve a carbon neutral economy by 2050 in a more sustainable economic framework aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals.

In line with this Regulation, we have consulted the list of economic activities described in Annexes I and II to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/2139 of 4 June 2021 concerning the European Union’s first two environmental objectives (climate change mitigation and adaptation).

We have determined the Company’s activities deemed eligible based on those annexes. We have considered the following aspects:

Economic activities eligible for the Taxonomy are described in Annex I and II to the above mentioned Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/2139 of 4 June 2021, regardless of whether the economic activity meets some or all of the stipulated technical selection criteria.

According to the Taxonomy, any economic activity not described in the annexes is a non-eligible economic activity.

For all economic activities identified as eligible, we have obtained the key performance indicators associated with turnover, capital expenditure (CapEx) and operating expenditure (OpEx) as laid down in Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/2178 of 6 July 2021.

Identification of eligible activities

Prior to calculating the key eligibility indicators, we have assessed the potential eligibility of all economic activities relevant to our business in accordance with Annexes I and II to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/2139.

In this analysis we have taken account of both Logista’s revenue-generating activities and cross-organisational activities that do not bring in revenues but incur capital and/or operating expenditure (CapEx and/or OpEx).

The following table describes the types of operations carried out by Logista that correspond to activities categorised as eligible under the above-mentioned regulation.

Regarding the activity “6.6. Road freight transport services”, the Taxonomy activities attributable to Logista and thus eligible were identified as transport services in which the Company has operational control.

Logista prepared its own method to identify the transport services in which the Company has operational control. Using this method, Logista collected a set of predefined vehicle and route characteristics for each transport service. By reference to these characteristics, criteria were developed to determine whether the transport service is conducted under Logista’s operational control, such as whether there is control over the route by defining the exact route to be followed by the carrier, over the vehicle or over the driver.

We effectively control the remaining (cross-organisational) operations. In particular our real estate department determines the technical specifications of projects and systems in place in the assets managed by the Company.

Activity description Reference to the Taxonomy activity
Project aimed at improving the efficiency of the collection system of used boxes for subsequent recycling, developed at Logista Italia. 5.5 Collection and transport of non-hazardous waste materials in segregated fractions at source
Transport services under the operational control of the group.
Investments made in semi trailers.Investments made in semi trailers.
6.6 Road freight transport services
Adaptation of industrial warehouses to the needs of the Company's logistics activities.
Full refurbishment of office buildings.
7.2 Renovation of existing properties
Energy efficiency systems in warehouses in Spain and France. 7.3 Installation, maintenance and repair of energy efficiency equipment
Solar panels installed on rooftops of some warehouses in Spain. 7.6 Installation, maintenance and repair of renewable energy technologies.

Findings for key indicators (eligibility)

Set out below are the calculations for the eligibility KPIs based on Annex I to Delegated Regulation 2021/2178 of 6 July 2021, which specifies the calculation approach.

Revenue KPI

Delegated Regulation 2021/2178 defines this KPI as the ratio of revenues from eligible activities to total revenues at the group level. These are revenues recognised in accordance with International Accounting Standard (IAS) 1, paragraph 82.a), as adopted by Commission Regulation (EC) No 1126/2008.

The numerator for this KPI was calculated taking into consideration eligible revenue-generating activities. In view of the group’s business model, the Company only identified as an eligible activity: “6.6. Road freight transport services”, i.e. freight transport services categorised as under operational control and thus eligible.

Revenues from such activities (activity 6.6. according to the Taxonomy) amount to €9.5M.

The KPI denominator is include on the notes to Logista’s consolidated financial statements for the financial year ended 30 September 2022 (see the income statement line “Net turnover”).

Eligible total (€ Million) Total (€ Million) Eligible economic activities according to Taxonomy (as a %)
Revenue 9.5 11,463.6 0.1%

Logista plays an important role as a wholesaler of tobacconists and other local retail establishments, which means that a large part of our turnover comes from the sale of the products we supply to our channels. This particularity of our business model explains the amount of eligibility reported.


The CapEx KPI is defined as the ratio of CapEx associated with eligible activities to total CapEx at the group level. Total CapEx covers asset additions before depreciation, amortisation, restatements and impairment losses (excluding fair value changes). The types of asset additions to be recognised, in accordance with the Taxonomy legislation, are defined by the following accounting standards:

IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment, paragraph 73, letter e), indents i) and iii);

IAS 38 Intangible Assets, paragraph 118, letter e), indent i);

IAS 40 Investment Property, paragraph 76, letters a) and b), (for the fair value model);

IAS 40 Investment Property, paragraph 79, letter d), indents i) e ii), (for the cost model);

IAS 41 Agriculture, paragraph 50, letters b) and e);

IFRS 16 Leases, paragraphs 53 letter h).

In Logista’s case, only asset additions associated with property, plant and equipment (IAS 16), intangible assets (IAS 38) and right-of-use assets under long-term leases (IFRS 16) were identified. These three types of assets were therefore included in the calculation of both the numerator and the denominator of the CapEx KPI.

The KPI numerator was therefore calculated based on these types of asset additions (mentioned in the previous paragraph) relating to the identified set of eligible activities. The total of this numerator amounts to €10.4 million.

The KPI denominator is directly linked to the Logista group’s consolidated financial statements for the financial year ended 30 September 2022 and is the sum of the costs reflected under “additions or charges” associated with the following headings: “Property, plant and equipment” (see the table for 2022 in Note 6.1, “Rights of use” (see the table for 2022 in Note 6.2 and “Other intangible assets” (see the table for 2022 in Note 8).

Eligible total (€ Million) Total (€ Million) Eligible economic activities according to Taxonomy (as a %)
Capex 10.4 80.0 13.0%

In relation to these results, it should also be noted that most of Logista’s eligible CapEx comes from activities: 7.2 Renovation of existing properties and 6.6 Road freight transport services.


Finally, the Taxonomy regulation defines the eligibility indicator KPI associated with total expenditure (OpEx) as the ratio between the operating expenditure defined by the Taxonomy (referred to below as: “Taxonomy OpEx”) associated with eligible activities and total expenditure.

According to applicable legislation (Annex I to Delegated Regulation 2021/2178), Taxonomy OpEx is limited to non-capitalised operating expenses relating to research and development, building renovation measures, short-term leases, repairs and maintenance, and other direct expenditure incurred in the daily maintenance of property, plant and equipment by the company or a subcontracted third party, which must be necessary to allow the continued, efficient use of the assets.

In view of the group’s business model and based on the provisions of paragraph of Annex I to Delegated Regulation 2021/2178 of 6 July 2021, the Logista group reports this eligibility KPI as immaterial.

To support non-materiality, the Company calculated the ratio of the “Taxonomy OpEx” to the group’s total costs. This ratio is well below the Company’s materiality threshold of 5%. Specifically, only 0.2% of the Company’s total costs meet the Taxonomy OpEx definition, as shown in the table below.

The result obtained is consistent with the type of total costs incurred by the Company and, in particular, with the relevance of procurement expenditure compared to other operating expenses, due to the business model of Logista, which plays an important role as a wholesaler of tobacconists and other local establishments, which implies that supplies are a necessary expense for the development of its activity.

Consequently, and considering the provisions of paragraph of Annex I to Delegated Regulation of 6 July 2021, the Company reports the numerator of the OpEx KPI to be zero.

Total (€ Million) Ratio of operating expenditure as defined by the Taxonomy to total costs (as a %)
Total costs* 11,151.2 0.2%
Operating expenses according to the Taxonomy 20.7
* Excluding restructuring, etc.

Appendix IV

Contents required under act 11/2018 and GRI indicators and under EU Delegated Regulation (2020/852) - Taxonomy

Contents required under act 11/2018 and GRI indicators

Contents Reference Reporting framework
Business model
Business environment and business model 11-27 102-2
Materiality analysis 93-94 102-47
Organisation and structure 19, 95 102-2
Markets in which the company operates 16-17 102-6
Objectives and strategies 20-27 102-15
Factors and trends affecting performance 20-27 102-15
Policies These are set out in detail according to subject area in each of the respective sections of this report 102-15
Risks These are set out in detail according to subject area in each of the respective sections of the report; in particular in Corporate Governance / Risk and Opportunity Management 102-15
Cuestiones medioambientales
Effects of the company’s operations on the environment, and on people’s health and safety 75-87 Internal framework: qualitative description of the principle effects
Environmental assessment or certification procedures 75-79, 83, 85 Internal framework: qualitative description of assessments and certifications
Principle of precaution, number of provisions and guarantees for environmental risks 76-87 102-11
Resources dedicated to environmental risk prevention 81 Internal framework: qualitative description of dedicated resources
Measures associated with carbon emissions 78-87 Internal framework: qualitative description of key measures and action taken
Measures associated with light, noise and other types of pollution 82 Internal framework: qualitative description of key measures and action taken
Circular economy and waste prevention and management
Initiatives aimed at promoting circular economy 84, 86 306-2
Measures associated with waste management 84, 87 306-2
- Actions to combat food waste Not material, bearing in mind the company’s business sector n.a.
Sustainable use of resources
Water: consumption and supply 86 303-1
Raw materials: consumption and measuress 86 301-1
Energy: consumption, measures and use of renewables 84-85 302-1
Climate change
Greenhouse gas emissions 81 305-1/ 305-2/ 305-3
Measures to adapt to climate change 78, 83 Internal framework: qualitative description of measures
Emission reduction targets 78, 84 Internal framework: Qualitative description of targets
Conservation measures 87 Internal framework: qualitative description of measures
Impacts on protected areas 87 304-2
Social and staff-related matters
Total number of employees and distribution by gender, age, nationality and professional category 57, 64 102-8/405-1
Total number and distribution of work contract types 57, 64 102-8
Annual average of permanent, temporary and part-time employees by gender, age and professional category 64-65 102-8/405-1
Number of dismissals by gender, age and professional category 65 Internal framework: total number of dismissals during the financial year broken down by gender, age and professional category
Average pay and change in average pay by gender, age and professional category, or equivalent 60 Internal framework: average remuneration (including fixed and variable remuneration)
Gender pay gap, remuneration for similar jobs or the company average 60 Internal framework: (1-(average male remuneration – average female remuneration)/average male remuneration)
Average remuneration of board members and directors 60 Internal framework: average remuneration including fixed and variable remuneration
Policies for disconnecting from work 59 Internal framework: qualitative description of policies in force
Empleados con discapacidad 63, 89 405-1
Organisation of working time
Organisation of work 59 Internal framework: qualitative description of organisation of working time
Number of hours of absenteeism 59 Internal framework: number of hours of absenteeism
Measures for work-life integration 59 Internal framework: qualitative description of measures
Health and safety
Health and safety conditions in the workplace 61 103- Health and safety in the workplace
Workplace accidents, particularly their frequency and severity 61 403-2
Internal framework: Frequency index: number of work-related accidents resulting in sick leave for every 1,000,000 hours worked.
Severity index: number of working days lost due to work-related accidents resulting in sick leave for every 1.000 hours worked.
Lost time accident rate: number of work-related accidents resulting in sick leave for every 200,000 hours worked.
Professional illnesses, separated by gender 61 403-2
Social relationships
Facilitating social dialogue 62 Internal framework: qualitative description of the ways in which social dialogue is facilitated
Percentage of employees covered by collective bargaining agreements by country 62 102-41
Assessment of collective bargaining agreements on health and safety in the workplace 62 403-1
Policies implemented in training 62 Internal framework: qualitative description of policies
Total hours of training by professional category 62 Internal framework: total hours of training by professional category
Universal access for people with disabilities 63 Internal framework: qualitative description of measures
Measures adopted to promote equality, plans for equality and policy against discrimination and diversity management 63 Internal framework: qualitative description of measures
Equality plans and measures adopted to promote employment, protocols to prevent sexual and gender-based harassment 63 nternal framework: qualitative description of measures
Policy against any form of discrimination and, where applicable, for diversity management 63 Internal framework: qualitative description of diversity management
Human Rights
Due diligence procedures in human rights matters and where applicable, in relation to their mitigation, management and remedy 38-39 102-16/102-17
Complaints relating to human rights violations 38 406-1
Promoting and compliance of ILO covenants relating to freedom of association and collective bargaining 39 102-16
Elimination of employment discrimination, forced and child labour 38 102-16
Corruption and bribery
Measures adopted to prevent corruption and bribery 37 102-16/102-17
Measures to combat money laundering 37 102-16/102-17
Contributions to foundations and non-profit organisations 90 Internal framework: amount of contributions in euros
Company commitments to sustainable development
Impact of the company’s activity on employment and local development 89-90 Internal framework: qualitative description of impact
Dialogue with the local community 90 Internal framework: qualitative description of dialogue
Partnership and sponsorship initiatives 91 102-12/102-13
Subcontracting and suppliers
Inclusion of social, gender equality and environmental matters in the procurement policy 39, 71-73 102-9
Consideration of social and environmental responsibility in relations with suppliers and subcontractors 71-72 102-9
Monitoring and auditing systems and their results 71 Internal framework: qualitative description of the reviews forming part of the control systems in operation in each business
Consumer health and safety measures 67-69 Internal framework: qualitative description of measures
Complaints and claims systems and resolution process 67 102-17
Fiscal reporting
Profits by country 90 Internal framework: pre-tax profit/ (loss) by country
Income tax paid 90 Internal framework: corporation tax paid by country
Public subsidies received 90 201-4

Contents required under EU Delegated Regulation (2020/852) - Taxonomy

Regulation requirements Reference Reporting framework
UE Taxonomy
Eligible and non-eligible economical activities according to UE Taxonomy 96-99 Article 8 of the EU Taxonomy Regulation (2020/852) and the Delegated Regulations (EU Delegated Act 2021/2139 – climate and EU Delegated Act 2021/2178 – disclosure), complemented with internal methodology explained in Appendix III: Taxonomy

Appendix V

Verification report

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